What To Look For In A Sofa

What To Look For In A Sofa

Choosing your perfect Sofa can sometimes be difficult to determine if you don’t know what you want to look for and in times like this, it’s best to get back to basics. Here at J&B Furniture, we want you to have the best experience possible which means providing the best products and knowledge to our customer base.                         Measure Twice and Buy Once:The purpose...
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Springs to mind – what are the different furniture springs & how they work

Springs to mind – what are the different furniture springs & how they work

There are many factors that determine the quality of furniture; an example of this is upholstery, materials, and construction. However, one of the most important components in a piece of furniture design is the spring system. The Spring system is often found in the main body of the furniture piece, covered with padded material to provide a comfortable rest. They provide shock absorption along...
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What to look for in wooden furniture

What to look for in wooden furniture

Wooden furniture has been a staple in homes for thousands of years, where both everyday people and master craftsmen would construct long-lasting furniture from the quality wood in the surrounding areas. Wood brings us back to nature giving a room a down to earth and organic atmosphere while being incredibly versatile coming in a variety of shapes, styles, and colours. Due to this, it was...
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Create the Sofa of your Dreams

Create the Sofa of your Dreams

Here at J&B Furniture, we offer a variety of popular European furniture an example of which is the modular sofa. But what is a modular sofa you may ask? Good question, it’s a sofa that is made up of customizable sections that you can move around when creating the sofa of your dreams. Though out this short piece we will discuss the different range of styles, materials, and functions that...
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Christmas at J&B: The Perfect Gifts and Upgrades for your Home At All Time Low Prices

Christmas at J&B: The Perfect Gifts and Upgrades for your Home At All Time Low Prices

As we’re now well into the holiday season and the festive atmosphere is definitely here, we want to showcase some of the most exciting deals we’re offering this year, both so you can have all the information you need to not miss out and start thinking about what some must-have inclusions on your wishlist, but also just to get people in the spirit by giving you an extensive look at a hamper-full...
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