Christmas at J&B: The Perfect Gifts and Upgrades for your Home At All Time Low Prices

As we’re now well into the holiday season and the festive atmosphere is definitely here, we want to showcase some of the most exciting deals we’re offering this year, both so you can have all the information you need to not miss out and start thinking about what some must-have inclusions on your wishlist, but also just to get people in the spirit by giving you an extensive look at a hamper-full of exciting possibilities.
Also take note that because the recent Black Friday Sale was extended well into December, we’ve decided to roll over those deals into our Christmas Sale in addition to a wealth of new ones, creating our biggest sale ever. So make sure to go back and have a look at our Black Friday Blogpost too. All of those deals are still active for the Christmas Sale, we’re just not going to cover them in this post so we don’t repeat ourselves, and so we can show off even more great new deals.
Sliding Wardrobes are absolutely ideal as a major addition to your home around Christmas time. Their size and visual impact makes you feel like you’ve really upgraded your living space and given it a new, sleek energy to go along with the excitement of the holidays.
But on top of this, a new Sliding Wardrobe provides an incredible amount of functionality and convenience. The space-efficient design and generous size range of our Sliding Wardrobes means that you can handle a surge of new clothes over Christmas without even thinking about it, and know for certain you have more space than you could possibly need for the year ahead, readily accessible behind smoothly whispering and visually arresting doors on precision engineered rails
Have a look at(from left to right) the Vita 250 Sliding Wardrobe, the Betty 221 Monastary Oak Sliding Wardrobe, and The Pegasus 203 Sliding Wardrobe, giving just a taste of the stylistic variation in our range and the breadth options in terms of size. Each of these units is heavily reduced for the Christmas Sale.
Everyone needs a wardrobe, which means that with the quality we offer in every unit at least one Sliding Wardrobe in our excitingly varied range would be a major contribution to almost anyone’s home in terms of both form and function, making Christmas that more exciting and setting you up for an organized and stylish new year.
While the Living Room and Kitchen most obviously take centre stage over the holidays, a luxuriously comfortable Bedroom, designed to your tastes with an incisive eye for soothing, aesthetically effective decorative identity, is an indispensable part of a home that’s right for you in every way. The Bed, taking centre stage and defining a Bedroom’s look, is of course indispensable to this goal both during the holidays and year round.
Not only that, but if you’re looking for an addition to your home that will really make you feel excited for Christmas, that will give you the sense you’ve really got something fantastic and new and that you’ve seriously invested in a happier home life, one of your strongest options is a new high-quality J&B Bed Frame or mattress.
If your current Bed is old, having not been built to J&B’s standards of long-term durability, or just a step down from the level of quality you’ve set your sites on, a brand new, top of the range J&B bed can represent a genuinely huge and comprehensive enhancement to your quality of life. Beyond all the aesthetic benefits, you will sleep better, relax more, and feel that much better throughout the day as a result.
Consider the Safina Ottoman Bed Frame(at the top of the collage below), currently reduced by an incredible €250, and the Sophie Ottoman Fabric Bed Frame, reduced by a whole €300(bottom).
The Safina is particularly eye-catching with its distinct and uniquely soothing recessed lighting cavity. While this provides some extra illumination, its primary effect is to create a warm, soporifically beautiful aura and set the right tone, perfect for making your Bedroom a relaxed yet elegant, overwhelmingly comfortable space both during the cold Winter nights of this holiday season and consistently into the future.
The Sophie, however, shouldn’t be left out of the spotlight here, possessing its own chicly attractive design and built to the same strenuous standards of comfort, construction, and material quality, not to mention functionality. Like the Safina, the Sophie contains a robust, industry-leading Beechwood Slat support system, which not only provides an excellent underlying structure, but as with the Safina actually raises vertically and with 0 effort on assistive mechanical hinge systems to reveal an ample, deluxe-sized storage area within the frame, ideal for extra blankets and bedding, clothes, suitcases, or almost any other general storage needs.
We believe that if you’re thinking of making a big interior design investment and going the extra mile to make your home a dream to live in this Christmas, the major, obvious possibility to consider is a new Sofa. The advantages and necessity of a Sofa year round are obvious. It provides essential, daily comfort and relaxation, while also taking a central and defining role in your room’s décor, an essential pillar in giving it the exact atmosphere and aesthetic identity that reflects your personality and makes your home as incredible as you deserve it to be.
It’s also all the more important over the holidays, when guests come over more often and the entire family is gathered in the Living Room far more frequently, with the possible addition of guests even then. In these circumstances, you want quality seating for comfort, and plenty of seating for convenience, to make sure nothing gets in the way of important time together.
J&B Furniture has put out a stupendous range of massively discounted Sofas for this Christmas Sale. Once more, all the deals from the Black Friday Sale still apply, so let’s focus instead on some more unbelievable offerings that are new to the Christmas Sale.
One new Mega-Deal we have on offer is a whole €1001 off the elegantly streamlined, luxuriantly comfortable Presta Sofa Bed (below, center), a serious aesthetic amplifier for so many rooms, while also being a breeze to unfold into a Sofa Bed that fully lives up to the Presta’s Quality as a Sofa. In terms of other plus-sized, minimalistically neat Sofa’s available for an all-time low price, there’s also the attractively sharp Peppe Sofa Bed reduced by €200(below, right, in blue), and the simultaneously mature and sleekly minimalist Ciara Corner Sofa Bed in a rich brown(below, left) at an incredible reduction of €501. The Peppe and Ciara are available in both left and right hand mirrored versions to better suit your home’s unique needs.
Or you could opt for something smaller that still punches well above its weight. If you like your current main Sofa, but simply find yourself pushed for seating space, an ideal investment might be a 2-Seater Sofa Bed. This can also be perfect for smaller Living Rooms that lose their pleasing sense of space with a bigger Sofa. And the Bed functionality means you’re not just efficiently upgrading your seating space at a great price, but introducing a whole new world of convenience and possibility where you can easily accommodate guests, establish a perfect spot for naps, or just sit back and relax in a whole new way. Have a look (left to right) at the ingeniously compact but premium-comfort Vista, Puna, and Oslo 2-Seater Sofa Beds, all currently discounted to their lowest prices ever, with a full €200 off the Puna.
And More…
And as compelling as it is to cover these broad categories, it can leave some great deals on smaller ranges to fall by the wayside. Make sure to browse our sale thoroughly so you don’t miss out on the perfect unit you may not have even realised you were looking for. Among our more miscellaneous offerings, just as one example, we have whole ranges of general storage and display furniture, smaller units designed to be aesthetically sharp and influential, yet highly use-oriented contributions to any space. And because of their shared design style and identity, buying multiple units for the same room will see them reinforce each other, amplifying their distinct and compelling effect on a room’s profile.
Consider the Dalia Collection(below, top left), the Tito Collection(top right), and the Neo Collection(bottom, centre) pictured below.
These give some indication of the breadth and variety of keen, decisively beautiful styles represented by our Furniture, the multitude of transformations J&B can facilitate in the space of your choosing. And as part of J&B’s biggest ever Christmas sale, we have serious reductions clean across every one of the units in these collections. The particularly stylish and richly warm-looking Dalia Collection, for example, currently has €100 off each and every unit.
We hope you’ll take this post as a jumping-off point to really explore and get the most out of our best ever sale, which of course benefits us, but also means you won’t miss out on the perfect Sofa, Bed, or other superb interior design asset to make your home life more relaxing, convenient, and aesthetically perfect, both for the memorable days and nights in over Christmas and also so that you can enjoy a fantastically appointed and decorated home as you head into the New Year.
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